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Accutive FinTech

Quality First Digital Transformations for financial services industry since 2009.

Share Data with Confidence: Meet compliance requirements while sharing vital data with partners to accelerate digital innovation

Responsibility for a financial service firm’s data security and digital innovation is increasingly challenging. Managing conflicting imperatives for speed-to-market, functionality at launch, and following client data security regulations is daunting.

While your data management systems include internal data protections, extending security to Fintech partners creates new challenges. Ensuring client data remains safe while giving Fintech partners the ability to test new systems against actual production data size and complexity requires specific information security solutions.

We’ve consulted with clients struggling to balance data security regulations with the need to test new systems against production data. Using smaller, less complex data sets introduces the risk of systems failure at go live when the new application needs to work with the full size and scope of your production data.

How do you ensure your test database reflects real-world conditions while following data security regulations so you can share data with your Fintech partner and get your new digital systems built, tested, and launched with confidence?

An effective, efficient data masking or anonymization tool may be the answer. Data masking delivers effective security for large, complex databases for accurate, efficient development and testing. Anonymized data replaces sensitive information with realistic, but fictional, values for effective protection from insider threats, accidental exposure, and hacking. So, a fictitious name replaces a real name, a social security number with a different nine-digit number, and an address changes to a false, but realistic, location.

Accutive empowers banks and credit unions to solve software testing and data protection challenges with advanced anonymization techniques recommended by regulatory agencies to meet mandates like CCPA or GDPR. Earlier this year, a large regional bank with $22B in assets under management successfully deployed Accutive’s data masking tool, ADM, to identify sensitive data and automate their Test Data Management processes.

Optimize Your Test Data Management System

Discover strategies to meet regulatory requirements and confidently engage with Fintech partners in our topic brief: Effective TDM for Financial Services Firms

Read the Brief


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Accutive FinTech is the financial technologies arm of Accutive, a boutique firm for end-to-end cybersecurity and financial technologies services and solutions. Accutive FinTech specializes in MuleSoft Integrations for Financial Services, Temenos Journey Manager, Temenos LMS, AML Solutions, HID IDV, and LOS solutions. Accutive’s test data management platform, Accutive Data Discovery and Data Masking, is a powerful tool for data discovery, data subserving, data masking, data automation, and data tokenization.
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